XLVII International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics (ISMD2017)
Lugar:: Tlaxcala City, Mexico
Inicia: 11-09-2017 08:00:00
Termina: 15-09-2017 15:00:00
Descripción del evento:
The XLVII edition of the International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics will take place in Tlaxcala City, Mexico, during September 11-15, 2017. The Symposia are a series of mayor international high-energy physics conferences addressed to theorists and experimentalists from three different but related communities: High energy, heavy ion and astroparticle physics. The common theme is the interest in reactions involving a large number of particles in the final state. The previous two meetings in the series took place in Jeju Island, South Korea (2016) and Wildbad Kreuth (Germany). The goal is to provide a pleasant and stimulating environment for presentation and discussion of recent experimental and theoretical developments in the field. Attendance is limited to about 100 participants.
More information of the event: https://indico.nucleares.unam.mx/event/1180/overview